Most immigrants had experienced so much extreme change and uprooting, they felt like they had witnessed enough change to last several lifetimes.
The correct answer is:
I. Details in the story
II. Historical context.
An author's purpose is the main reason why an author decided to write, it is the main objective of the author and it can be to inform, entertain, persuade or to explain. The purpose of an author can be found by details in the story such as information and facts or in a historical context that helps understand, explain and inform the reader about a specific topic.
Proper noun is a places/persons name and common noun is the kind of place/an action
Radio City Rockettes and Francesca is a name and a word like "preform" is an action like how I would perform a song to to you is an action.
Hello :)
When an author uses a fable with a moral top represent a message, it is most likely for the purpose of (Mary Poppins reference here) to use a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. Now when I️ saw that, it’s like the writer is trying to get down to the bitter truth in revealing just how flawed human nature is, and how blind we can be to it. A way for the writer to expose it is to slip in some kind of similar scenario in a fairy tale or story. The Brothers Grimm often did the same thing in the stories they wrote and documented.
Hope this made sense >.<
I'm pretty sure it would be the setting because changing the story or main idea would change the story itself, rather than adapting it for your needs.