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I have attached the relevant image below.
The image is a map of Africa, with the most relevant European settlements at the time.
As can be seen, all of them were located in subsharan Africa, because the Mediterranean coast of Africa was a region that had developed from ancient times, and that was in the control of the Ottoman Empire.
The European coastal settlements mostly cluster in west Africa, where the majority of slave ports (ports where slave were taken to the Americas) were located.
There are also some settlements in East Africa, and two settlements to the south of the Gold Coast: Luanda, an important slave port under Portugese control, and Cape Town, initially a Dutch colony.
Lack of money and food in many villages
Examples of “gendered” interaction that I notice regarding the ways in which women and men are socialized regarding demeanor, uses of space, starting, touching, smiling, and language is discussed below in detail.
Society expects complex reactions and responses from sons and daughters. Gender socialization is the inclination for boys and girls to be socialized separately. Boys are suggested to correspond to the male gender performance, and girls are suggested to correspond to the female gender or performance. Gender socialization is the method by which we study our culture's gender-related practices, standards, and expectations.
All of the above because they are not just for emergency cars or something they all are used for other things too