A jury made up of colonists and Indians found three Wampanoag men guilty for Sassamon's murder and hanged them on June 8, 1675. Their execution incensed Philip, whom the English had accused of plotting Sassamon's murder, and ignited tensions between the Wampanoag and the colonists, setting the stage for war.
Answer : He had been a representative in the house of burgesses prior to the American Revolution. He wrote the Declaration of Independence. During the war he served as a state representative and governor of Virginia. He was an ambassador to France.
Sparta was the largest city-state in Greece in 700 BC
During World War I, Germany's overall military strategy best describes as: (A) It planned to rapidly conquer France, then send its troops east toward Russia. The Schlieffen Plan contains the design to quickly attack France through Belgium. The Germans advanced and converge in Paris. They were very successful, particularly in the Battle of the Frontiers. Then, they went east toward Russia.
virtue is the desire to have and to acquire fine and beautiful thing