I don’t think you need a comma after old
The line 'So Eden sank to grief' is an allusion, or literary reference, to the Biblical story about The Garden of Eden, a perfect paradise until Eve ate from the Tree of Knowledge. By making this reference, Frost is implying that the idea nothing good can last is an old one; it's part of our human experience.
1.They fight
2.He study hard all day
3.Somebody smoke in the room
4.She lie in the sun too long
5.They play football
6.She dream
Answer: I don't really get this question but from what I understand I'd say Agree.
It's either Jack, or Roger.
Jack is the one who kills the pigs(who symbolically represent Piggy), which later orders to kills Piggy.
But Roger is the one who drops the rock on PIggy.
But the better answer would be Jack