C is your answers to the question
cultural competent professional
The people who make our money
There is a world-wide money shortage in America right now.
Many cities were overcrowded with limited housing and few sanitation services.
During the late 1800s, urban areas grew very fast because economic opportunities were better than in the countryside. This attracted people from rural areas, and also from abroad, who flocked to the cities too fast for the cities infraestructure to keep up with.
This made most cities at the time very overcrowded, with few public services that were overstrained, and with serious problems in terms of sanitation and public safety. However, people could still earn higher incomes than in the countryside, and despite all these problems, the cities did not stop being attractive for both domestic and international migration.
Extrinsic, Intrinsic
In everyday life, we all motivated by our motivation level. The motivation sometimes could be intrinsic and sometimes it could be extrinsic. We get up in the morning. Sometime we get up early and do our work, exercise meditation but sometimes we feel very lazy. These all happened because of our motivation level. Thus there is a different type of motivation that paly an important role in our life.
<u>Intrinsic motivation: </u>
This type is related to your internal motivation. To fulfill your desire when a person gets motivated internally is called intrinsically motivated.
<u>Extrinsic motivation:</u>
This type of motivation is related to external resources that motivated a person such as a good incentive plays the role of external motivation for a person at a workplace.