To be honest, colonial life sucked. However, it was peaceful, and depending on where you lived, you could depend on your own resources without having to buy anything. In the early colonial days, you probably wouldn't live very long because there were many diseases and dangers in the New World. You would have to work untiringly every day: feed the chickens, milk the cow, tend the garden, and clean the house. However, some people may like this way of life. It's all an opinion.
This type of ecosystem has different plants such as grasses, juncales, grasses or grass constitute the dominant vegetation. Although in the grasslands of the temperate regions and there may be more than 50 species of vascular plants and in the tropical grasslands more than 200, in general, two or three species of grasses are those that dominate more than 60% of the biomass of the land; Here live large herbivores and birds, in addition to a large amount of flora.
Prairie fauna plays a fundamental role in preserving the natural balance, essential for the food chain. Numerous species of animals excavating the prairies, by removing the soil, modify the mineral postresal content of this and enable the growth of plant species. Under the earth, worms and other invertebrates act that also oxygenate the soil, along with millions of bacteria that break down organic waste.
Because Lafayette has been helping people since he was young. He trustworthy and loyal to the U.S. and proved it multiple times.
Answer: C.
Explanation: They Attack any african americans, Catholic groups and anyone opposing them
The Spanish mission system was set since 1568 and it ended in 1684. Mainly handled by the Franciscan order, the missions settled mostly on the lands that belong today to Florida and Georgia. Their intent was to evangelize the Indian tribes of the region and also adapt them to what the Spanish considered more civilized lifestyles.
Initially, these missions were pretty successful, and it was actually the chiefs of the Native American villages who requested missions to be sent to their lands from the Spanish Crown. However, the system that was established by the Spanish, of drafting young males of marriage-age to work as subordinates, put Indian tribes in difficult situations that finally led to the end of the system.
The first two factors that led to the collapse of the mission system that spread throughout Florida and Georgia, were the exposure to disease of these young men and the resettlement of the tribal people. Between 1656 and 1657, the decimation of the population due to disease, along with the forced resettlement of tribes, became factors that helped to end the mission system.
However, one of the biggest factors that led to the end of the missions was the alliance that began to form between Indian tribes and English raiders and pirates. By 1685, most missions had already retreated towards the barrier islands. It was a pirate raid that took place in 1684, that finally ended the whole missionary attempt of the Spanish.