On June 29, 1947, as the first president to address the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Harry Truman pledges his support for upholding the civil rights of all Americans.
The Medieval Era
"Dark Ages" refers to the Middle/Medieval ages when the monarchy ruled and Roman empire fell. Happened around 500 A.D
<span>The reasons for the development of feudalism vary between nations that employed the system, most notably, the Roman and Germanic cultures. Feudalism developed with the Romans as a method of land tenure. In this practice, a land grant was given by the land-holder to an individual in exchange for services rendered. Often, these contracts were for life.
Feudalism spread through Europe during the ninth century and lasted for several centuries in some nations. In France, feudalism began as wealthy landowners built castles for protection. As kings weren't powerful enough to reclaim their land, nobles began to claim authority over land in their jurisdiction.
In England, feudalism wasn't part of Anglo-Saxon society. However, large landowners had extensive powers in terms of managing their land. When William the Conqueror introduced feudalism in the 11th century, he maintained authority over all landowners.
In Germany, feudalism lasted for many centuries. This was due to the weakening of royal power due to issues like the German throne being a position for which rulers had to be elected. Issues such as this kept the nobles powerful, despite the attempts of some rulers to limit them.
In the past, experts and teachers taught apprentices their arts and disciplines, but over the centuries and the growth of universities and the increase of those who could attend university, it became mandatory, in the last two centuries, having a career, a mastership or postgraduate degree were vital every time more to obtain specialized jobs. Now, curricular innovation is a permanent process, in which academic institutions evaluate their education programs, the skills students need in a modernized world, teaching and learning methodologies, as well as advances in current knowledge, to have the best teaching according to the time and the advances in the sciences.
It gave farmers access to different markets and areas of trade