#1- Most post-colonial settlers sought out similar land / climate to their former homes... you see the Portuguese fishermen settle on the coasts so they can continue fishing... Germans often sought out rich farmland. #2 The major goal was to link Lake Erie and the other great lakes with the Atlantic coast through a canal #3 <span>It was like a minor gold strike for farmers, manufaturers and the transportation</span> #4 They wanted to expand their knowledge in canal building and take the practices of the British canal system to mind
The theory hypothesizes that non-traditional behavior develops in crowds as a result of the emergence of
new behavioral norms in response to a precipitating crisis.New conventions must form as part of the collective action.
It's mostly because the materials used when building the Pyramids of Egypt were stone, whereas the materials used during the building of the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia were mud bricks.