The answer is iron. The Hittites learned to smelt and work with the element before any other civilization.
Socialism provides a more equal distribution of goods and services and a more equitable society.
He feared Kepler will come out with a universal theory for planetary motion and thereby taking all the credit by himself
Answer: The article titled "Organic Foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?" was posted by the Mayo Clinic staff. In the article, there are numerous lessons to be learned about the foods produced by organic farmers. In the article, it is explained that the farmers control insects by using insect traps and even predatory insects. Weeds are controlled by using mulch instead of chemicals. As for disease, organic farmers use several methods such as using only organic food for the animals and vaccinations. The article goes on to identify ways to learn how to tell if foods are 100% organic.
Cromagnons had better tools which made them better hunters, and they painted on cave walls