In WW1 not a lot of territory was gained, because soldiers were forced to stay in the trenches.
Best Answer: The English colonies of New York and New Jersey were created from the earlier Dutch colony of New Netherlands. The settlement of New Amsterdam became New York City. The Dutch also had claims and settlements in what would become Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island.
The statements referred by the question are:
a) It convinced the United States to dismantle its nuclear weapons.
b) It proved that a naval blockade was not an act of war.
c) It showed Cuba that communism should be stopped.
d) It brought the world dangerously close to nuclear war.
The correct statement is D. Historians agree the Missile Crisis was the closest the world got to have a nuclear war between the U.S. and USSR. Nothing before or after this came as close to be direct aggression from one of these countries against the other.
Statements A and C never happened: the U.S. has nuclear weapons until today, and Cuba didn't give up on communism.
Statement B doesn't fit the facts around the Missile Crisis. The naval blockade didn't lead to war only because the U.S. was defensive.
·The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, it was the impetus for the United States’ entrance into World War II.
·The Battle of Midway was one of the most important naval battles of the Pacific Campaign of World War II. It was fought between the U.S. and Japanese navies on June 4-7, 1942. This battle turned the tide of the war in the Pacific in favor of the Americans.
·The Battle of the Philippine Sea (June 19–20, 1944) was a major naval battle of World War II that eliminated the Imperial Japanese Navy's ability to conduct large-scale carrier actions.
·As president, it was Harry Truman’s decision if the weapon would be used with the goal to end the war. “It is an awful responsibility that has come to us,” the president wrote. President Truman had four options: 1) continue conventional bombing of Japanese cities; 2) invade Japan; 3) demonstrate the bomb on an unpopulated island; or, 4) drop the bomb on an inhabited Japanese city. Truman ordered the bomb dropped on two Japanese cities (Hiroshima & Nagasaki). His decision created a controversy that is with us today.
I do not know i"m looking for the same answer lol