Alea iacta est ("The die is cast") is a variation of a Latin phrase (iacta alea est) attributed by Suetonius to Julius Caesar who pronounced it in the year 49 B.C. when he was leading his army across the Rubicon river in the current territories of Northern Italy. Subsequently, he entered in Italy heading his army and defying the Roman Senate and it meant the beginning of the civil war versus Pompey and the Optimates.
- Plutarch, referred to the same event in his written testimonies and reported the phrase but stating it was pronounced in Greek instead of Latin and that its translation meant: <em>'Let the die be cast'.</em>
- Suetonius described the same situation, reporting a very similar phrase but not exactly the same. Let's include the exact excerpt of his writings where he did so.
<em>Caesar: '... iacta alea est,' inquit.</em>
<em>Caesar said, "The die has been cast."</em>
Thefore there are two very similar versions of the same historical events. Usually the Latin version is the most widely known, as the Latin language was more widespread all over Europe and gave rise to all the current family of Latin languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, etc).
It become a concern of the military planners due to the high casualty the marines suffered during the taking of Iwo Jima. Also the battle proved that even though the battle was an American Victory the Japanese army is prepared to die defending and willing to wage a suicide attacks even though they already know that they lost the war. That also attacking the Japanese Home Islands would be a costly attack of lives of american soldiers and the new strategy develop in Iwo Jima would be an arduous battle if the Americans would invade the Japanese Island with the Japanese people that is already to prepare to die fighting.
Option D, trying to increase the power of the monarchy, is the right answer.
Charles X was the King of France whose reign in France lasted between September 1824 to 1830. He wanted the monarchy to become more substantial than earlier in order to establish his full control over the nation. Therefore, the people of his nation did not like the changes he implemented in the system and launched the rebellion. Therefore, it may be said that the efforts made by Charles X to increase the power of monarchy sparked a revolution in France.
it was used in the balkans war.