Hi! I’m taking U. S. History Honors in the 9th grade and we just reviewed this for the EOC!
The Constitutional Convention was necessary because the Articles of Confederation could not be revised or amended due to the fact that Rhode Island refused to send delegates. A unanimous decision was needed to make any amends to the government under the Articles of Confederation so the delegates decided to form a new government. The men all agreed that the federal government was weak under the Articles of Confederation because the Americans who made it were afraid of a strong central government due to the unjust oppression that Britain put upon them as colonies. The delegates at the constitutional convention were both afraid that people were going to believe they were overthrowing their current government and determined to make changes to benefit their nation to preserve their fledgling country. They made sure to draft a constitution that had both a strong central government and a bill of rights (this was to appease anti-federalists who were afraid the new government would be too controlling or become corrupt) so the government could never take away what they termed “unalienable rights”.

It means that Steve Jobs created a start-up in his parent's garage and built the start up to be the world's most valuable company. The energy of Silicon Valley is shown in what he does because he was a child of the valley.
Steve Jobs was not only smart but a genius, he was trained in Zen Buddhism and began to value experimental wisdom and intuition. he is imaginative and applied his imagination in his works. He was a child of the valley because he was raised by a couple who lived in silicon valley town of Mountain view, California.
When Jobs was a child, he saw the founders of Hp as his 'idols' and by the age of twelve, Jobs told the president of William Hewlett Corporation in silicon valley that He wanted to make a frequency counter which will be used for a school project. Hewlett spared some parts for Jobs as he has asked of as well as a summer job.
People turn to Christianity because of their belief in one god, that being the father-son and the holy spirit. Or better known as Jesus the son of the Christian God. People accept the promise of salvation and eternal life for everyone when turning to the Christian religion.
Ralph begins to show maturity.At times he put others before himself.He wants to show somewhat of his true identity and he is just wanting to show off.In life there are some bumps in the road and this is one of them for the boys