More predators more need for food more deaths for rabbits
A nucleotide is made up of one sugar molecule, one phosphate molecule and one of the four bases. Here is the structural formula for the four nucleotides of DNA. Note that the purine bases (adenine and guanine) have a double ring structure while the pyrimidine bases (thymine and cytosine) have only a single ring.
A nucleotide is made up of one sugar molecule, one phosphate molecule and one of the four bases. Here is the structural formula for the four nucleotides of DNA. Note that the purine bases (adenine and guanine) have a double ring structure while the pyrimidine bases (thymine and cytosine) have only a single ring.
What’s produced by one is needed for the other
The answer is Thymine.
Within the DNA molecule, adenine bases located on one strand form chemical bonds with thymine bases on the opposite strand.
rotation is the movement of an object on its own axis. on the other hand revolution is tha complete round trip around something that is another object or center. Rotation is when the object spins around an internal axis. Conversely, revolution is when the object travels around an enternal axis