Beowulf summons even greater strength and rips Grendel's arm completely out of its socket.
Fatally wounded, Grendel slinks back to his swampy home to die. Back in the mead-hall, Beowulf holds up his gory trophy in triumph. (He proudly hangs the arm high on the wall of Heorot as proof of his victory.)
American government would be the answer
You'd be surprised at how much influence ancient Greece has over modern day! Besides their mythology being incorporated into our products & media (see: the various Hercules movies, Percy Jackson, there's a cleaning product called Ajax, stronger than all of Grease!), it's safe to say that our government is inspired in part by the Greeks, who are credited with the first democracies. Like ancient Greeks, many modern countries vote for our leaders.
Greek fathered modern philosophy & several famous mathematicians (though the Middle East were better versed in that regard.)
Greeks also heavily influence modern theatre. And they invented the Olympics.
Physical resources or human resources represent a sustainable competitive advantage and are not easily replicated by tyres' rivals in its marketplaces. The physical resources include raw materials, structures, cars, trucks, transportation, warehouses, machinery, and factories. The personnel, such as a skilled engineer or marketing professionals.
In businesses that are knowledge-intensive and creative, these resources are increasingly crucial. The physical capital refers to a company's non-human assets that are used in the manufacturing process, such as plant and machinery, tools and equipment, office supplies, etc. The human capital is the organization's reservoir of knowledge, talent, skills, and competencies that employees provide.
To learn more about human, click here.