Adaptive immune defense system consists of lymphocytes like B-lymphocytes and T- lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes provides humoral immunity while T- lymphocytes provide cell-mediated immunity to the body.
99% of lymphocytes circulate freely in the blood and lymph. B lymphocytes differentiate into plasma B cells and B memory cells when interact with antigen presented by T helper cells.
Then plasma cells secrete antibodies in the circulation which binds to extracellular antigens through antigen-binding site. Then the bounded antigen is recognized by receptors present on phagocytic cells. This receptor binds the Fc region of antigen bounded antibody and destroy the antigen by phagocytosis.
This is true because humans can only know so much due to unexplored lands, water depth, and evidence of extinction being hidden.
Advances in science and technology can be affected by a number of factors such as:
<span>1) the values and attitudes of people within a society
2) the cultural backgrounds of scientists and engineers
3) the technological limitations of a society
4) the social and economic needs of a society</span>
The rigth answer is D.
The wavefront or wavefront is an equal phase surface of a wave, i.e., these points have the same travel time from the source. The concept is used to describe the propagation of waves such as sound or electromagnetic radiation (light, radio waves, etc.). In a homogeneous and isotropic medium, in which the waves propagate without deformation, two types of particular waves are distinguished according to whether the wavefronts are spheres (spherical wave) or planes (plane wave).