He is complaining of being stung by bees while stealing a honey comb. "Life's pleasure is mixed with pain."
ariana grande and victoria monet
In 1826, Niépce used his heliography process to capture the first photograph, but his pioneering work was soon to be overshadowed by the invention of the daguerreotype. Joseph Nicéphore Niépce was one of the most important figures in the invention of photography.
The rule of thirds is a technique that involves focusing the subject in one third of the photo. Think of it this way: a photo can be broken into three thirds. Choosing one of those thirds, have your subject be either on the left or right and snap a photo. There you have it!
Hope this helps ya :D
What it stands for: Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
The model: Computer Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application
Sry if that's the same