He works at a car shop or car dealership or as a mechanic
You said he works on cars and inspects on them so he must work at a car shop or at a car dealership or hes a mechanic.
2. How did the Union’s military strategy lead to victory for the North and economic devastation for the South?
The Union military strategy basically consisted in encircling the Southern economy, by blockading the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and also taking control of the Mississippi River, which divided the confederacy in two, and impeded economic integration.
3. How did the Black Codes marginalize African Americans in society
Black Codes prevented African Americans from doing certain things (these prohibitions varied from state to state), for example: voting, educating themselves, learning how to read and write, and aspiring for public office. These codes were prevalent even in free states.
4. Why were the Native Americans resistant to establishing a relationship with the U.S. government after the Civil War?
Because the U.S. government had treated Native Americans in a very poor manner in the past, specifically by forcing some the tribes to abandon their lands and relocate to reservations in the West (what is known as the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears).
Leonardo Do Vinci
Leonardo Do Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503
Simply put, it is the right not answer any question that might help to incriminate you. There are exceptions to this. While you cannot be made to answer anything either in writing or speech, the prosecutor can obtain DNA samples or hair from a comb or Blood or fingerprints can be used.
You have a right either to take the witness stand to act as part of the defenses, or not. The prosecution cannot compel
The fifth protects from being tried a second time for the same crime you were accused of the first time.
The right of due process of law. You cannot be jailed indefinitely without a fair trail.
Taking's clause of the fifth. If the government wants to take property for the public good, the 5th says that governments must compensate the property owner by a just amount.
C. Americans grew critical of the war because the Viet Cong were viewed as remaining strong