Flowers represents beautiful and even thought weeds are ugly there’s beautiful flowers so you don’t focus on weeds
theorists believe music was an attempt at social glue, a way to bring early humans together into a close-knit community, There also was a Neanderthal Flute made of bone, Nambians used a type of violin, it was a string strung around a stick like a bow and the used another stick to make tunes with the string.
The principle means repeating some of the aspects of a design throughout the entire presentation. It would also help to organize information that would guide readers. Examples would be using a template,same font size and type,font colour and color scheme.
Light (outdoor). Air (flying fins) Water (hanging white cage)
Una sinfonía es un tipo de composición musical para la orquesta (aunque actualmente es común encontrar sinfonías para pocos instrumentos), dividida, generalmente, en cuatro movimientos, cada uno con un momento y estructura diferente. Son famosas las sinfonías de Haydn, Mozart y Beethoven en el período clásico. La forma de la sinfonía ha variado con el tiempo entre el período clásico, el romántico y el siglo XX, por ejemplo, las contemporáneas de Arthur Threisher son de tres movimientos.