In the United States, there are currently 45 individuals that have served as a president.
Although there has been 45 presidents overall, technically there has been 46 presidencies due to Grover Cleveland who was elected two times not back to back.
The encomienda was first established in Spain following the Christian conquest of Moorish territories (known to Christians as the Reconquista), and it was applied on a much larger scale during the Spanish colonization of the Americas and the Spanish Philippines.
A.) casting a ballot Casting a ballot is the actual voting process
B.) registering to vote You must be registered to actually vote
C.) canvassing the vote . Is done by election volunteers to ask a person how they are going to vote to determine pre-election polls
D.) preparing the vote is looking at the issues on the ballot and deciding which candidate to vote for on whether to vote yes or no on the issues
Answer: A B D
The Spanish conquistadors believed them to be infidels. They would read them a note from the Pope in Spanish that they wouldn't understand in which they would proclaim that their land would now be Spanish because Spain is governed by one true God, and after that they would slaughter them if they wouldn't surrender.
Nationalism was a great cause of World War one because of countries being greedy and not negotiating. Nationalism shows you are proud of your country and want it to be the best. A lot of causes all linked back to countries all wanted to be better than each other.