well it is to be a threat to the.......................
Demeter, the Goddess of the Harvest. What happened was that Demeter wanted to get her daughter back from Hades, so she took a "resignation" from her duties as the harvest goddess and all plants were decaying on Earth, and droughts started.
actually it wasnt a massacre a massacre by defination was killing people who cant fight back or something like that. The british killed the townspeople who were throwing things like heavy rocks, nails, and lots of sharp an d dangerous things, the british merely had stronger weapons.
Colonists wanted to go west and get land.
The term Yuppie came on the scene as a slang in 1980's. The term was initially used for the young people that were rich, but were also bragging about it, were usually not rich because of their own capabilities, wore high fashion clothing, and drove expensive, new cars. In general, the common people despised them because of their undeserved success and way of behavior. As the time passe on, the term has gradually lost its derogatory meaning, and nowadays is used for describing affluent professionals.