Dewey Decimal is library classification system. It helps to locate books in the library appropriately in order to generate topics by creating library classification system. The Classification helps to organize library materials by field of study. Main divisions are philosophy, social sciences, science, technology, and history. The system is made up of ten classes, each of them divided into ten divisions and which each one has got ten sections. Using Arabic numbers, three whole numbers makes the main classes. Then following numbers make sub-classes and further divisions. The classification is hierarchical and the same hierarchy is used for the system.
C) Word Choices
I always defined diction as the specific word choice used by the writer.
But here's an official definition...
the choice and use of words and phrases in speech or writing.
1. His collection of paintings ARE valuable and rare.
2. The flight of the stair to the temple IS under repair.
3. The internet PROVIDES a wealth of information for the users.
4. A fleet of antique cars PASS by the road every Sunday morning.
5. This string of pearls COSTS a lot of money.
D development of an engaging plot.<span />