Les filles achètent leurs vêtements à Paris.
Conjugaison du verbe "acheter" au présent
Tu achètes
Il, elle, on achète
Nous achetons
Vous achetez
Ils, elles achètent (les filles=elles)
B. l'été
L'hiver means winter, and the opposite of winter is summer.
Facts are in the explanation...
1. French is a romance language derived from Latin
2. Nearly 45% of English words are of French origin.
3. There are around 220 million French speakers worldwide.
4. French is an official language in 29 countries.
5. Not all French dialects are alike and pronunciation changes all throughout France.
6. Beauty and the Beast was originally written in French.
7. Most locals of France didn't speak French until after the French Revolution.
8. There are no genuinely French words that use the letter <em>w.</em>
9.<em> E </em>is the most common letter in French words.
10. Counting in French involves a lot of math.
Hope this helps :)
Bonjour !
two parts (auxiliary verb and past participle)
Exemple :
j'ai ( auxiliaire "avoir") joué (participe passé)
Je suis (auxiliaire"être") parti/e (participe passé) en vacances.
Les temps composés de l'indicatif sont :
<em>- le passé composé (temps composé du présent),</em>
<em>-le futur antérieur (temps composé du futur simple),</em>
<em>- le plus-que-parfait (temps composé de l'imparfait),</em>
<em>- le passé antérieur (temps composé du passé simple).</em>