Did you understand?
1. According to this legend, who lived by
the world many years ago?
2. Why did all the animals hide?
3.Why didn't the cricket hear the jaguar?
4.According to the jaguar, how was the song
of the cricket?
5. What did the cricket do to get first at the rock?
6. Who was smarter, the jaguar or the cricket?
In order to successfully complete this exercise, you have to complete the different sentences provided with an appropriate preposition for each case. The alternatives of prepositions available are "por" and "para". Note that in these exercises, these prepositions function as "for", "to" and "by".
Pudieron terminar el trabajo <em>por</em> haber empezado (having begun) a tiempo. Ese fax es <em>para</em> enviar y recibir documentos de la compañía. Elsa vivió en esa ciudad <em>por</em> algunos meses hace diez años. Mi mamá compró esta computadora portátil <em>para</em> mi papá. Sales <em>para</em> Argentina mañana a las ocho y media. Rosaura cambió el estéreo <em>por</em> el reproductor de MP3. El señor López necesita el informe <em>para</em> el 2 de agosto. Estuve estudiando toda la noche <em>para</em> el examen. Los turistas fueron de excursión <em>por</em> las montañas. Mis amigos siempre me escriben <em>por</em> correo electrónico.
The largest indigenous group in Chile today is the "Mapuche".
The Mapuche are a gathering of indigenous occupants of south-central Chile and southwestern Argentina, including parts of present-day Patagonia. The aggregate term alludes to a colossal ethnicity made out of different gatherings who shared a typical social, religious and monetary structure, and in addition a typical semantic legacy as Mapudungun speakers. The Mapuche customary economy depends on agribusiness; their conventional social association comprises of more distant families, under the heading of a lonko or chief. Today, numerous Mapuche and Mapuche people group are occupied with the purported Mapuche strife over land and indigenous rights in both Argentina and in Chile.
waitress i need the cup
the cup is needed for the glass of water
Creo que es
la Acera
la manzana
el abrigo
el perrito
la libreta
it has been long since I took the class (and Spanish is my mother language ;-;)