Portia's opening line describes mercy is forgiving, generous and godlike quality.
- She conveys the idea that mercy is a tender and noble feeling, and mercy must come directly from one's heart.
- It blesses those who show mercy, which not only makes them feel good, but also brings heavenly rewards.
When someone wants to exact revenge, but opts for mercy, he displays divine,God-like attributes.
- Portia is referred to as an upright, noble benevolent lady, but close reading of the play shows she is a proud,cunning woman.Her best qualities are her logic and intelligence.
- These efforts however, have no effect on Shylock.
(i) The storm rocked the ship violently
(ii) The artist painstakingly worked at his masterpiece.
(iii) Dad was offered a free gift by the firm.
(iv) I read in the paper that the burglar had been caught.
(v) At nightfall the cricketers began their piercing calls.
(vi) He wore a hat made of coconut fiber on his head.
(vii) Coffee is very popular in many parts of the world.
(viii) They could not explore the cave without a torch.
(ix) The shed was damaged during the storm.
(x) James sat next to the dog talking to himself.
Answer: internet will help
i think the answer is No law in that country must exceed in words the number of letters in their alphabet, which consists only of two and twenty. But indeed few of them extend even to that length.