<span>d. view intelligence as mainly cognitive and intellectual.</span>
Beijing (its capital) and the coastal areas
Based on the given statement, I would presume that twin deficits cover both the budget deficit and trade deficits. It is most likely that budget and trade go hand in hand in transactions.
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Great Britain has a Prime Minister and Parliament.
The Untied States has a President and Congress.
Answer:isa. an unconditioned stimulus.
According to classical conditioning , the unconditioned stimulus (UCS) is the one in which our response occurs naturally , automatic and unconditionally which means we don't learn how to respond.
For example a smell of your favourite pizza will immediately make you feel hungry because it actual triggers this automatic response from you. The smell of food is the unconditioned stimulus.
In Ivan Pavlov's classic experiment with dogs, when the dog smell their food , the salivating that result from them is an unconditioned response and food is the unconditioned stimulus, it an unlearned response that takes place naturally. This is the same as the meat powder above , which is the dog food.