Esperanza sees her new home for the first time.
B. She is terribly shocked the cabin is more humble than the servants’ quarters at el Rancho de las Rosas. Additionally, Esperanza and Mama will be sharing the tiny space with Hortensia, Alfonso, and Isabel. When Mama expresses her gratitude for the cabin, Esperanza becomes frustrated.
C. "Esperanza felt anger crawling up her throat. 'Mama, we are living like horses! How can you sing? How can you be happy? We don't even have a room to call our own.'"
Answer: C. Yeoman farmer
Yeoman farmers were farmers who were very hardworking farmers who worked their farms themselves. They would even work alongside any slaves they owned even though they did not indulge in slavery often.
The Trustees of Georgia in its first years preferred Yeoman farmers and wanted a colony full of such men who worked hard for their success and did not use slave labor.
The introduction focuses more on literary history of the region.
It affirms that the Icelandic language and literature are as important as the island itself. This affirmation refers from the beginning they gave big importance to the literature, creating its language, preserved it, writing and translating political, cultural and religious factors, which did grow the literature, so much so it becaming in a tradition.
For Icelanders also, the poetry was really important in its literature and it was the unique nation that preserved German poetry.
creation of the middle class,urbanization, creation of sociallst and conmunst ,indusria