No because his nose would only grow if he told a lie all the time to anyone
General Belisarius was was the general that gained new Western lands for the emperor Justinian in the 530s. Justinian the Great was also another name given to Justinian I. He was a Byzantine Roman emperor and he ruled from 527 to 565. As the emperor he wanted to revive the lost glory and for this purpose he wanted to reconquer the lost western lands. Belisarius played a very important role in conquering the lost lands. he was a great general for Justinian. Belisarius extended the Roman kingdom upto the Atlantic ocean by conquering the Vandal kingdom of North Africa.
I can tell you what topic outline mean...
A topic outline lists words or phrases. A sentences. A topic outline arranges your ideas hierarchically (show which are main and which are sub-points), in the sequence you want, and shows what you will talk about.
Hope this Help!:)
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