A house that consisted of two or more rooms laid out in a straight line.
He didn't have to be as harsh as he was with people.
He could have had a more tender and kind heart.
John Davison Rockefeller was a US investor and entrepreneur. Rockefeller revolutionized the oil sector. In 1870, he founded Standard Oil Company and aggressively commanded it until his official retirement in 1897.
Volcano Type: Stratovolcano
Financial status impacts marital stability in many different ways. If a married couple struggles with financial worries there would be be blaming, worrying and shame in the family that can lead to many arguments. ... The couple may feel tense and the tension may even contribute to the break up of the marriage.
Financial matters affect not only financial satisfaction, but also marital satisfaction and quality of life. With the potential to influence so many aspects of everyday life, continued research in understanding the processes involved in this fundamental area of family studies is vital. Satisfaction with one's financial status can enhance marital satisfaction, and more broadly, life satisfaction. Conversely, financial difficulties and dissatisfaction with one's financial status can lead to marital conflict and divorce.
A. Because the Egypt and Indus valley are in the desert, living near a river gave access to a food supply, water and better soil for growing crops. There were better resources to build shelter, and the river provided a safe route of transportation to other areas.