The definition of unresolved global conflict is a pretty broad one and it applies to several times in history in which more than one country, often in more than one continent, became engaged in conflict of military and economic nature, in direct, or indirect war. This concept applies to those times when such conflict arose, and even if the direct fight was absent, or stopped, the issues that spurred it have not yet been resolved for different circumstances.
One such period of global conflict and global unrest appears during the periods between 1914 and 1945, the end of the First and the end of the Second World War. This is because although between these two conflicts that affected the entire world, an unsteady moment of peace arose, as far as military actions went, there was still unrest, and the issues that would lead to new military confrontation were still unresolved.
But probably one of the best example of unresolved global conflict comes after World War II, with the rise of the Cold War. This period, between 1945 and 1991, marked a total era of unresolved issues, of constant possibilities of military war again, because the issues underlying conflict: the struggle between the two world superpowers for control of the world arena, for their ideologies to overcome the other, almost thrust the entire planet into a new war.