The rich only want to get richer, and leave poor people in the dust, so they pay people off to keep them happy enough to shove the rest of us down.
While many similarities exist between substance abuse treatment for those in the criminal justice system and for those in the general population, people in the criminal justice system have added stressors, including but not limited to their precarious legal situation. Criminal justice clients also tend to have characteristics that affect treatment. These include criminal thinking and criminal values along with the more typical resistance and denial issues found in other substance abuse treatment populations.
Well, Horus had a falcon head, Bast was a cat goddess, and Nekhbet is the vulture goddess. The Egyptians believed that these animals had special powers, and the personality of the god or goddess depended on the animal they stood for, like Anubis had a jackal head, and helps with the Underworld (i guess that's what it's called). Hope this helps!