Might have been Pepi II... I have a feeling that he reigned for about 62 years. Most pharaohs reign for about two years I think...
James II
James II was the second king on the throne of England after the English Civil War had resulted in the execution of King Charles I and the establishment of the English Commonwealth under Oliver Cromwell. After Cromwell's era, the monarchy was restored when Charles II was brought back to the throne that had been held by his father (Charles I). After the death of Charles II, a second surviving son, James, who had been ruling as James VI in Scotland, became King James II in England. But he tried to take too much power to himself away from Parliament, and his support for Catholicism was not popular. The so-called "Glorious Revolution" of 1688 removed James II from power and brought in William and Mary as king and queen. Mary was a daughter of James II, but was Protestant, like her husband, William of Orange (in the Dutch Republic).
It was a final action leading to the US declaration of war
Deer Creek is an important site because it provides evidence that trades occurred between a French in the Wichita in Oklahoma territory hundreds of years ago. archaeologist found Buffalo remains and scraping tools in the middens of trash heaps all the site as well as European manufacturer items such as beads,kettles,metal tools and gun parts based on these artifacts archaeologists believe that the site was used for meat processing.
Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte
In 1801 after a series of secret agreements, French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) recovered the territory of Louisiana from Spain, which France had lost in 1763.