Heat pollution is harmful to marine habitats because it changes the tempature of the water.
Viscosity is the ability of a substance (in this case, lava) to resist flow. First of all, the temperature of the lava affects the viscosity. Lava with a higher temperature has lower viscosity than cooler lava (higher viscosity) since cooler lava is starting to solidify thereby increases its resistance to flow. The composition of the lava is also a determinant of viscosity such as the silicon content of the lava. The higher the silicon content of the lava, the higher the internal friction of the lava, thereby higher resistance to flow.
Entende-se por carta informal a missiva trocada entre pessoas com um relacionamento próximo e entre as quais existe familiaridade (parentes, amigos, colegas, etc.). São cartas que utilizam um estilo coloquial, apresentando o texto características de subjectividade.
Answer: A.
The amount of violence has been decreasing, so few people have been killed.
The "War on Drugs" does indeed see the U.S. government spending more than $500 million a year as they raid supply chains and arrest traffickers to stem the flow of drugs into the U.S.
Most of the violence does occur near the U.S.-Mexico border as gangs fight to control smuggling routes and U.S. agents attempt to stop them along with police officer, most of whom are dedicated to ending drug smuggling.
The violence however has not been decreasing. Indeed, cartels have become more violent and with the rise of new cartels like the New Jalisco cartel, the violence has spread.