Fixed Deposit is a financial instrument issued by banks or NBFCs that provides borrowers with a higher interest rate than a normal savings account, until the due date. They may or may not require a separate account to be established.
Hi !!
the act of collecting, verifying, analising, and presenting information on events, issues and people is known as journalism , I guess... ???
bye :)
The translation of the question pertains to "When we stop, it plays" and it tells about the Indian culture. So, the answer to this Indian language question is Desiya Geetham or in english, National Anthem. Where a person stops and stands still as the music plays.
When you specify hard behavior Meshing will respect the prescribed element mesh size (and/or number of divisions for the edge meshing) on the entity. When soft behavior is used the size control may be affected by proximity, curvature and local re-meshing. The default behavior is soft.
Tahukah kamu, mengapa motor berhenti di depan lampu merah?
karena motornya direm. Coba kalau nggak direm bisa bahaya tuh.
Tebak binatang apa yang jago renang?
Bebek. Kalau ikan bukan renang tapi menyelam
Kenapa di rel kereta api ditaruh batu?
Soalnya kalau ditaruh duit nanti pada diambil.