The Ancestors of the Navajo and Apache prole arrived from Canada region to the Southwest region of America.
The Southwest region consists of states like Arizona, Texas, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, and Mexico. The southwest region was home to different indigenous groups. Navajos and Apaches arrived around 1200 CE and maintained their food practice, hunting and gathering. Apaches were nomadic. They were always on the move, travelling one place to another in search of food. Navajo related to the Apache tribes. Navajos houses were known as hogans. The Navajo were farmers who grew the three main crops: corn, squash, and beans. They also hunted animals for food.
"The boy in the striped pajamas" is a boy of the war time in Germany who only knows how to love and care for his friend. He is not bothered about the wire and the boundaries that separate him from his friend.