<u><em>Cities of Transition from feudalism to capitalism</em></u> is a historiographical concept that comes to designate the historical period and the process by which the mode of feudal production is being gradually replaced by the capitalist mode of production.
Since the fourteenth century feudalism begins to dissolve, not only in its economic aspects, but social and political (end of serfdom and vassalage in Western Europe, division of the nobility in high and low, increased power of authoritarian monarchies in front to the previous feudal monarchies ...).
Paine's use of the phrases listed above suggest that his purpose is to ENCOURAGE THE COLONIES TO FORGE AHEAD WITHOUT THE SUPPORT OF THE BRITISH.
Paine's choice of words shows that the relationship between the colony and the British has already wear out and there is no hope of rekindling the old flame of love that existed between them. Thus, Paine's words called the people to the realization that they have to make do without the British.
Relations between the two superpowers deteriorated somewhat in 1960 when the Soviets shot down an American U-2 spy plane deep inside their territory. The following year, Khrushchev approved the construction of the Berlin Wall in order to stop East Germans from fleeing to capitalist West Germany.
Lewis and Clark's team mapped uncharted land, rivers, and mountains. They brought back journals filled with information about the Native American tribes. They also brought back scientific notes about plants and animals they'd never seen before.
The reason is that there is a water shortage happening there. They needed to conserve water and be supplied from sources. Right now there are strict measures in the use of water in that area to ensure that it does not go to waste.