Thesaurus is the tool where you can find synonyms for a word, and even antonyms.
Although you can find synonyms in a regular dictionary as well, thesauri are better when it comes to that.
To answer this you will need to look for key points in point of views. First point of view is I/WE/MY/OUR. second is MY/YOURS third is HE/SHE/HIS/HER hope this helps!
<em>It is generally a harmless thing.</em>
Is this generally a harmless or harmful thing? Why?
It is generally a harmless thing because adults do reminiscent of the past to evaluate how nice it was then, when the going was good. They reverberate on the yester years when life was still in its natural form. They use to say this taken the current wave of aberration into consideration. They believed that things had really gone wired and wish to reflect on the past when life was the way the Almighty Beingness made it.