Both Peter and Anne don't get along with their mothers mainly because of the generation gap seprating teenagers and parents. Peter is embarrassed with his mother because she fights with the father in front of everyone. Anne and Margot understand their mother tries her best, but Anne is still much closer to her father as he teaches her, laughes with her, and is overall a more relax kind of parent. Margot's and Anne's mother is more strict as she scolds them when making noice in the Annex.
However, On the other hand, One instance of this
Pointing at each other does not make them ill
The organs of the male regenerative framework are particular for three essential capacities: To deliver, look after, transport, and support sperm (the male conceptive cells), and defensive liquid ( semen ). To release sperm inside the female conceptive tract.
Answer: D- The old can reign horror by taking up challenges again.