Roman inquisition
In 1542, Pope Paul III created the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition to combat Protestant heresy.
Had no bill of rights
Hi person who created this can ya'll add my two insta's alejandrotrujillomorelia atm.alejandroais.student I'm 13 Live in cali
lavius Belisarius was a general of the Byzantine Empire. He was instrumental to Emperor Justinian I's ambitious project of reconquering much of the Mediterranean territory of the former Western Roman Empire, which had been lost less than a century before
Ethnonationalism has occurred because of cultural blending and has had the most lasting effect on a country. It led to the dominance of the ethnonational states and has increased urbanization, literacy, and political mobilization. This is the result of cultural blending that I believe has the most lasting effects on a country.