The pre writing stage of the writing process include selecting a subject, setting a purpose and DETERMINING THE MAIN IDEA OF YOUR ESSAY AND ORGANIZING YOUR IDEAS AND FACTS IN A WAY THAT DEVELOP YOUR MAIN IDEA.
Pre writing stage is the phase of the writing process which involves gathering and selecting of ideas to write on.
The extent of Shakespeare’s legacy 450 years on from his birth is incalculable. But this, of course, does not stop some from trying.
a scholarship is aid given to a student by an institution
This is an extremely dramatic scene and Shakespeare sets the stage for the bloody murder with the "owl that shriek'd, the fatal bellman," as even nature cries out against the murder of Duncan. Lady Macbeth fears that the murder is unaccomplished, yet when Macbeth enters, he says, "I have done the deed." Suspense is heightened here by the quick exchange of dialogue between husband and wife:
"Did you not speak?"
"As I descended?"