A. to persuade readers of the importance of science
"That man over there... aind ain't I a woman" - Rhetorical Question
This is beacause of the question posed by the speaker "ain't I a woman." This is more of a statement of fact than an interrogative statement. As such the speaker isn't looking for an answer, but is instead making a point.
"For who is there... torn from his limbs" - Rhetorical Question for the same reason as above.
"Ali and the Magic Stew" tells us the story of a very rich boy named Ali, whose father is sick. Ali meets a beggar and the man tells him that the only way for his father to get better is to make him a stew with money he begs for in the street. Ali is a very proud child, and he is embarrased by the idea of doing something like that. However, as he goes through the experience, he becomes humble and is able to feel more empathy for poor people like the beggar.
This is exemplified by the fact that Ali puts his arms around the beggar to steady him. Ali has now learned that he is not superior to other people, and he is willing to help those in need.
Answer B is your answer.
The entire crew of the ship survived without injury.
Answer: they are both blind men.
Explanation: while one man (the man who doesn’t read) has the choice to inform themselves, the one who can’t read is unable to read. The illiterate one is blind to information and is hindered in his academic endeavors because he lacks a skill set needed to learn. But just because you can read doesn’t make you smarter than someone is illiterate. If you don’t read books to both improve your skill set and gain more knowledge, the skill set becomes useless and your just as helpless as the man who cannot read. Hope I didn’t confuse you more: