One of the three major development issues that Stacey and Juan are debating is called “continuity and stages”. The study of <u>developmental psychology</u> includes a person's thoughts, feelings, and behaviour and the changes of each of them. In this case, the development issue that Stacey and Juan are debating makes reference to the one which analyzes the two different views of development. <u>On the one hand</u>, development is considered as a continuous process that is gradual and cumulative (CONTINUITY, what Stacey argues). <u>On the other hand</u>, development is viewed as consisting of different stages (STAGES, what Juan argues).
This is one cool story my man
The correct answer is After I took a nice hot shower, my cat lapped up the water on the floor.
A dangling modifier is a term used for an ambiguous grammatical construction in which one word might be incorrectly linked to a modifier (a word that modify a noun). In the example given, in the case given the relationship between nouns and verbs is not clear as it is not clear whether it was the cat who took a hot shower and then lapped up the water or there is another subject involved. However, in the sentence "After I took a nice hot shower, my cat lapped up the water on the floor" each of the actions in the sentence (took a shower and lapped up) are linked to a subject in a clear way so there is no ambiguity in which subject carried out each action and thus the dangling modifier disappears.