One way you could be a better student, or human-being in general is to wear your mask at all times, aside from eating, of course. The other way, which you should be doing both, is to social distance as much as possible. If you do, however come in contact with people or objects, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.
Odysseus went to war for ten years in Athens, He then had to sail back home from said war after he had won. It took Odysseus another ten years to get back home, through his twenty years away his wife was loyal to him and was waiting for him to return. Odysseus, Loyal? AHAHAHA. Anyways Odysseus could technically be called a hero by saving his crew from Polyphemus the cyclops, from the sirens and sea monsters to the oracle. He is most definitely flawed, he cheated multiple times, let good men die, etc
Answer: i am pretty sure that the answer is The language contains logical fallacies designed to fool the viewer.
Stop being so indecisive and take immediate action