Indentured servants. The headrights system allowed planters to be given 50 acres of land for every person they payed for to come over.
1.Reduce the number of trips you take in your car.
2.Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use.
3.Avoid burning leaves, trash, and other materials.
4.Avoid using gas-powered lawn and garden equipment.
prohibits the introduction of invasive species
controls the kind of waste and pollutants allowed
assesses human influence on the environment
designates protected zones on the continent
These four key terms are some of what the Madrid Protocol includes.
Prohibiting the introduction of invasive species keeps the ecosystem from being dominated and/or destroyed by a single species that the ecosystem is not built to handle.
Controlling the kind of waste and pollutants allowed on the continent ensures that the environment remains stable without the influence of outside chemicals, such as oil or carbon emissions that could harm the ecosystems.
Assessing human influence on the environment keeps track who does what and how they do it, essentially preventing extreme human action from being taken so as to preserve Antarctica's natural order.
Designating protected zones on the continent that can only be accessed with special permits ensures that only people who require access for research or whatnot, or more simply, qualified personnel, are able to enter these zones, so as to keep contact down to a minimum and further preserve Antarctica's natural environment.
The density of an object or quantity of matter is its mass divided by its volume. ... Non-standard conditions can result in a change of volume, affecting the density of the materials. Also, certain temperatures and pressures can result in a change the state of the matter, which also affects the density.