the women
The Iroquois societies were unique among the North American civilizations in that the role of the women was much different. The women were held on high regard. They were well respected in the society. The Clan Mothers were the ones that had the power to appoint leader, as well as to strip the leader off its power. The women had their own possessions, and even after marriage they were keeping them, not being mixed with those of their husbands. The largest land owners were women. In general the Iroquois societies were matriarchal.
Because white people did not want black sitting next to them on a bus and not share water fountain. hope it helps u :)
Answer: Freedom to petition the king. ... Freedom from cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail. Freedom from taxation by royal prerogative, without the agreement of Parliament. Freedom of fines and forfeitures without a trial
There are lots of different types of higher education level courses available. Higher education means any sort of nationally recognised qualification which is at Level 4 or above (A Levels, BTEC Diploma and Extended Diploma, Apprenticeships are Level 3).
Answer: Call of the Estate General, Tennis Court Oath, Storming of Bastille, Execution of the king and queen, the reign of terror