It helped bring the state out of a Depression by providing
jobs in the military. Many Americans who fought in that war came
from South Carolina. The State had a
camp where soldiers trained in preparation for that war called Camp Wetherell. South Carolina also supplied funds for its
citizens who joined the war and fought against the Spaniards. Unions were created in the 1800 to 1. to
improve working conditions for industrial workers. Many workers were working in dangerous
conditions with very little pay and they were no longer in favor of such conditions
that they formed unions.
T= x^2-4x+4 or T=x^2+10x+25
Columbus' explorations of the New World led to the spreading of diseases to the Americas which killed thousands of Native Americans, his efforts led to the enslavement and oppression of Native Americans through colonization, and ultimately led to the subjugation of the Native American peoples to European powers for centuries to come.
Before WWI America owed Europe a lot of money, but after WWI the situation changed and the former allies owed America more than US$ 10 Billion for the cost of armaments and food supplies.
After the WWI a decade of tremendous prosperity started. This economic boom was a consequence of the mass production industries increasing gross domestic products, productivity and income, so business sales increase, driving up profits.