For verbs with the format Consonant-Vowel-Consonant, double the last letter of the word then add -ed.
*Keep in mind that this rule has exceptions though.
If your school is using the Scripps National Spelling Bee program, (which most schools in America do), try going on their website. All the practice words are on there. Go to Also, you can take those words and put them on Quizlet and make your own flashcards. Hope this helped!
Appealing to logic is super effective. It allows the audience to grasp more of a logical or rational point of view. It's also a point of view best used with a male-dominant audience.
Appealing to emotions is also something else that is an effective way to change an audience's mind. It allows the audience to grasp more of a compassionate and sensitive point of view. It's also a point of view best used with a female-dominant audience.