Very True The Real Plymouth Rock Is Cracked.
To cut ties with the Native American culture and adapt to the American culture.
The Nazis were a male supremacist organisation. This was part of the general racist doctrine that governed the Nazi ideology. They believed that politics was for men, so you won’t find any women in any positions of power in Nazi Germany. There was a so-called Reich women’s leader, Gertrud Scholtz-Klink, but she had no influence on Nazi politics at all. She just spoke to organised women.
Hitler said that the aim was to bring up children as physically fit and healthy – if they were so-called Aryans, if they were basically ‘pure’ Germans – not if they were of mixed origin, with Slavic blood, or least of all with Jewish. By the time of the Second World War, non-Jewish, non-Slavic, non-foreign-born German children were obliged to enrol in the Hitler Youth or the League of German Girls, which was essentially aimed at preparation for war.
King Cotton, phrase frequently used by Southern politicians and authors prior to the American Civil War, indicating the economic and political importance of cotton production.