The correct matching is as follows-
1. (pl. gametangia) an organ of lower plants, some protists and some fungi, that produces gametes- gametangium.
2. the reproductive cell in sexual reproduction- for example, the egg or sperm.
3. gamete-producing organ in animals - gonad.
4. cone-bearing plant - gymnosperm.
5. the condition of having isogametes - isogamy.
Gametangium refers to the specialized organ of algae, fungi, ferns and other plants involved in the production of gametes. A female gametangia is called the archegonia producing the egg cells and the male gametangia is called the antheridia producing the sperm cells.
Sexual reproduction is characterized by the production and fusion of the male and female gametes called the sperm and the egg respectively.
The gamete producing organ in animals is called the gonads. It is the testis in the male and the ovary in the female.
Gymnosperms are naked seeded plants. The scales or leaves modified to form the male and the female cones.
Isogamy is a type of sexual reproduction that involves the gametes of similar morphology with similar size.
1. vi. Preganglionic
2. vii. adrenergic
3. ii. sympathetic chain ganglia
4. iii. Craniosacral
5. viii. splanchnic
Action potential travel down preganglionic nerve fibre. They travel towards Vagus Nerve near the effector organ. These impulses arrive at cardiac plexus, which create action potential in postganlianic.
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The answer is 2. This is why their autosomal cells are referred to as diploid in chromosome number. The gametes have only one set of chromosomes. The homologous pair (sister chromosome) separate during meiosis I. If there was an extra chromosome in addition to this set then this would cause a condition called aneuploidy.
When water freezes(ice) it expands slightly
think ice cube tray, and why the amount of ice you get is more than the amount of water you put in<span />