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The Antarctica is adversely affected.
Without Antarctic Treaty of 1961, the environment of Antarctica is adversely affected due to using it as a site for testing of weapons by the military forces of different countries. The organisms that lives in that region will be negatively affected causes decline in the population and imbalance of ecosystem as well as extinction of many organism so this treaty provides protection to the Antarctica.
The seasonal reversal in wind direction during a year is called monsoon. Monsoon tends to have 'breaks' in rainfall; which means that there are wet and dry spells in between. The monsoon rains take place only for a few days at a time and then come the rainless intervals.During the Monsoon season, there are periods when the Monsoon trough shifts closer to the foothills of Himalayas, which leads to sharp decrease in rainfall over most parts of the country. ... Such a synoptic situation is known as the 'break'Monsoon period. OR. Break of monsoons is the break in the monsoonal rainfall.
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