to avoid plagiarism, provide appropriate credit to your sources by adding author–date in-text citations for direct quotations and ideas (e.g., credit the originators of theories). If you model a study after one conducted by someone else, give credit to the author of the original study.
Where do i base this off of? is there an article or story?
K12 answers ,1 Mary lennox ,2 the phrase climb up the sky,3 out of control,4 turning point,5 The only person worse then mary's mother is mr. craven,6 she gets ready for breakfast quickly,7 people often unspoken desires and the one under that question is That was matthews way, 8 static , 9 it leads to other boys giving tom things , 10 tom wanted something bigger and the answer to the one under that one starts with "and when the middle of the after noon came, 11 eagerness ,12 starts with the teachers constant support, 13 start wit the teen pop star ,14 a verb describing how the servents did not act 15, in a drowsy ,16 start wit snowfall can occur ,17 start wit i was playing catch with my two dogs , 18 the correct one says to treat mildew first.
Explanation: i did not feel like typing the whole answer to sum of them but i took the test and for the people who not in k12 u can use those answers too. this took forever to type don't let if flop.
1) No
2) No
Transportation from school to home would be dangerous and risky.
Yes because they could still hold the virtual classes
i am ticked off cuz my god account just got deleted over night YEET!